Zambia sent an Adult's team to compete in Kenya earlier in the year. Horses were very kindly supplied by the Kenyans and the team, comprising of Paul Edgson, Lisa Swart and Alison Hawke (seen left to right with FEI International Judge and Course Designer Mary Binks), took part in both Dressage and Show Jumping events throughout the weekend.
The first event of the weekend was the Team and Individual Dressage in which our three riders came 2nd, 3rd and 4th individually, going on to win the Team Event for Zambia. Well done guys - obviously all that dressage training is paying off!
They then took part in the Team Show Jumping - sadly not as well placed as in the dressage but never-the-less putting up a good fight and making a good account of themselves as representatives for Zambia.
An enormous vote of thanks to the Kenya Horse Society for inviting us to take part and for looking after our competitors so well and also to the Kenyan riders and owners for their very generous loan of great horses for our riders to compete on.
Wow, That is really sporting of them to loan horses for competition. I love watching dressage.
Hi Callie :)
It's fairly standard practise to lend horses to visiting teams here in Africa - border crossings with horses are difficult and the roads are usually pretty awful too. We were so lucky - the Kenyan's were very generous with the loan of good horses - we've been less lucky in the past elsewhere! LOL
Dear Jayne,
I am desperately looking for a tack shop in either Lusaka, Ndola or Kitwe. I live in Lubumbshi (DRC) and need some supplies. Might you have any to recommend?
You can email me directly:
Dear Jayne,
I am desperately looking for a tack shop in either Lusaka, Ndola or Kitwe. I live in Lubumbshi (DRC) and need some supplies. Might you have any to recommend?
You can email me directly:
Looks like a great competition and the horses are beautiful.
Hi Rachel
We have three possibilities in Lusaka - not brilliantly stocked but most of the basics. I'll get details and emailo you direct!
Thanks for popping into my blog - great to meet you. Love to have news of what's going on in the Congo if you have the time?
Jayne you are an animal love so if you get a chance please go to my blog and take a look at the recent article I posted there is a link there to the particular zoo that I wrote about please visit it also direct any animal lover to my blog so that they can enjoy it as well.
Fantastic read and I hope you will keep writing!
hi all, just a quick message if you know or if you are in need of any equipment for your horsies, ie numnahs, winter rugs, overreach boots, bandages, groomming box, then look no further. MY friend and I are based in South africa - Gauteng and we import equestrian equipment straight from the East at very competitive prices, we can airfreight your tack for you (at extra cost) or if you are ever in SA feel free to contact us and pop in to see what we have.
Hope to hear from you soon!!!
I think I have just found a friend who I have been looking for for ages...Alison Hawke...are you alison Mc Kendrick? If so we knew each other in Kitwe at the Polo club...we used to ride together when I had Perils Son and Gaulish and you had Lady, Angelique and one more whose name escapes me. I would love to make contact with you, Louise Drury previously jacques.
Email me
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