Thursday, 7 June 2007

Elvis at the Lusaka Derby last year.

One of our major shows held every year at the end of June is the Lusaka Derby. We also hold the FEI World Show Jumping Challenge in conjunction with this show so it is quite a big event that most riders in Zambia try very hard not to miss.

For us, getting there is a major schlep! We have to box our horses 380kms - usually in small trailers - and it is a day on the road, avoiding potholes and other delights of the Zambian road system! Mind you, the roads are in a much better condition than they used to be five years ago so it could be a lot worse! The trip takes considerable planning and organisation - we try to be on the road by 8am at the latest, expecting to arrive at the show grounds in Lusaka by 3pm. Travelling in the dark on these roads is never an option! For my daughter and I, it is a case of travelling 60kms 'back' to Kitwe to load horses and then back through Ndola on our way to Lusaka - it adds a couple of extra hours on and means we are usually on the road by 5:30am.

Last year Elvis (proper name Castle Rock) and my daughter were just starting their career together in the arena in Juniors at JNE level, a height of 80cms. This year they will be joining the adults jumping ANE and AE at 90cm-1m. We hope to be doing 1.20 by the end of the season. Elvis can certainly jump the height but is still learning to balance himself and 'sort his legs out'! Unfortunately, due to the pressure of Final 'O' level exams this past year, they have not been able to work nearly as much as they would have liked or needed to.

So here we are again, rushing around organising the horse trailer and getting ourselves out of 'school' mode and into 'show' mode and getting ready for the 'trek' to Lusaka in three weeks time.

Wish us luck!


Magdalen Islands said...

What a beautiful little horse. Who does you photography? They get very good shots.

Jayne :) said...

Strangely enough this is actually one of mine!

Every now and then I do get it right but then I have the use of my hubby's very fancy camera with excellent zoom and an 'idiot proof' setting - lol Normally I just click away and hope that at least one of them will come out OK.

The girl child, on the other hand, is very competent! Sadly, she can't take photos of herself in action :(

Head Cookie said...

Jayne this is sucha great blog love the pics and my daughter loved it too. Thanks we will keep checking!

Jayne :) said...

Hi Jadey :)

Thanks - it's a bit of a passion!

Head Cookie said...

awesome pic.